“I will not spend the money for myself. I will rather spend it in special business on a no-profit-no-loss policy.” – Muhammad Yunus
The quote from Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel Prize laureate and the developer of the term “social business”, summarizes well the process which guided the concept behind Salve (”Save” in Portuguese), a product conceived and branded by À La Carte Design and developed in joint with Acqua Incorp.
We’re living in an era in which philanthropy, eco-consciousness and well-being are increasingly present in each aspect of our daily lives. And the “Generation G” – G for “generosity” –, as pointed out by Trendwatching website, moves and is moved by this urge in doing the good, not only for the self, but for everyone else. And is precisely in this desire to do the good that “Salve” makes a call, turning the simple act of buying a bottle of water into a collaborative movement that helps to transform lives.
The identity follows this concept, of collectiveness, compounded by a mosaic of icons representing positive attitudes which, albeit small, form a greater picture; the importance of small acts that realize great things together.
And to kick off this project, Instituto Criar will be the first institution to be benefited through the “Salve” water, with your donation. Take an action, take “Salve”.
Source: Lovely Package