Offering a disposal cup with a beverage is by no means a new marketing gimmick, but the Australian wine company
Singlz, is enjoying quite a bit of success with their line of 'Shuttle' bottles. These PET containers made by the New Zealand bottle manufacturers Linkplas have been specifically developed to preserve the flavor of wine for up to one year. The designers have managed to retain smooth and flush lines on the bottle that not only are appeasing to look at but also maintain the hygienic integrity of the drinking cup, but also keep the opening of the bottle securely shut.

The Shuttle packaging is obviously ideal for outdoor events like picnics, sports events, or trips to the beach. But is this packaging suitable for the developing African markets? Countries like Nigeria and Kenya might have large enough middle and upper class sectors who might find this product appealing but is there enough demand for sophisticated products like in other African cities to justify manufacturing 'Shuttles'?
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